Wednesday, July 2, 2008

3 month old stats

Karis had a checkup at the pediatrician yesterday.  She is 13 lbs. 4 oz.  She is 24 inches tall (well, that would be long, I guess, as she doesn't do a lot of standing yet).  She had 4 shots, but only cried for the last two.  She didn't cry at the hospital when they took her blood either.  Although she did scream bloody murder when anyone changed her diaper.  Silly girl.  She wears a size 3 diaper already and at the moment is wearing 6-12 month pants that are too small (although her 3-6 month size onesie fits fine).  I will probably forget to put these stats in the baby book (that will be a project for when I retire) so I'm hoping they'll be safe here in my blog.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Joy is just 5 days younger and is still in 0-3 onesies, size one diapers (but they are a little snug but no leaks yet), and fits in 0-3 outfits but the 3-6 fit her better in the arms. Karis is really growing well. Go Karis!