I'm so glad we got the lime-green umbrella stroller. When she's in the bouncy chair we say she's camoflaged. Can't barely see her with all that pink! Anyhow, here's my sweetie in her bouncy chair. The last picture is the quilt I made when I was pregnant with Mateo.

she does hide well in all that pink! The bouncy chair is very cute though! Hope you are doing well. Please say hi to everyone at baby bees, I will update when I can but there has been so many changes for us and I have barely any time on the computer at the moment. Sarah has a letter to send, I'll have to get your new address! Hope you are enjoying your family and that summer is going well. Talk soon Lisa! *hugs*
Thanks! :-) I will PM you my addy on babybees.
Very cute! She looks good in pink. Good thing huh?
Grandma thinks she looks beautiful in pink. But then grandma thinks she is beautiful no matter what she wears.
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