Mateo hasn't been sleeping well. After he complained for a couple months we finally got him a sleep study. Here he is all hooked up to the wires. We don't have the results yet, but they've advised him not to drive for now....
I'm so glad we got the lime-green umbrella stroller. When she's in the bouncy chair we say she's camoflaged. Can't barely see her with all that pink! Anyhow, here's my sweetie in her bouncy chair. The last picture is the quilt I made when I was pregnant with Mateo.
My uncle celebrated his 95th birthday last month. We all went up to celebrate. Stayed overnight at a hotel (the kids were thrilled - especially by the jacuzzi in the room and the free continental breakfast). That's me and my kids in the picture, as well as my brother behind me, my niece (age 11), my dad and my 95-year-old uncle.