Sunday, July 27, 2008


Karis is a drooler.  She could rival that large ugly dog from that one movie... the one where the dog drools.  You know the one.  Her bib is always drenched to the point where it would be effective in the fight against forest fires.

So after church today I was holding her and feeling icky because the sodden bib was smushed up against my shirt.  I turned her around facing out instead.  Mateo came up and gave her a cuddle, rubbing his face against her yucky bib.  "Ahhhh!", he said, "That feels good!" (It was a hot day).  "How does that spit feel on your cheek?" I asked, guessing that maybe he didn't realize why the bib was so cool.  "So nice Mommy!", he said, without even blinking .... I guess it's all in your perspitctive....

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